
Roach Exterminator

Cockroach Exterminator

Cockroaches are one of the most well-known pest species in the world. Perhaps the most familiar habit of these insects is their tendency to scatter upon getting even but a glimpse of light. As soon as you flip the switch, these bugs can take off at a speed of up to 3 miles an hour (even when they are as young as one day old). You’re most likely to run into them sneaking around in your kitchen, in the bathroom, and other areas of the house that store trash cans, food, or moisture – especially that coming from drains and sewers.

More than 4,000 species of cockroaches exist in the world. Residents of San Jose, California, are more likely to find German Cockroaches than most other species. The American and Oriental Cockroaches are widespread here as well. Of the many cockroach species that infest houses, the American is the largest. These insects, averaging around 1.4”-1.6” long, and may surprise you in just what they’re capable of. To some, it may be the stuff of nightmares to learn that these cockroaches are capable of both biting and flying. Though they’re most often found scurrying along floors, these bugs will get up off the ground if pushed to it. Still, bites from cockroaches are rare and do not typically present a threat outside of infection. 

Regardless of any physical contact you may incidentally experience with a cockroach, they can introduce many health risks to your household. They are known to transmit 33 distinct types of bacteria and six different species of parasitic worms. Attempting to kill them yourself to get rid of the disease risk is not the most reliable option, though, as they can live for up to a week without a head. You can’t toss water on the bug and hope for it to drown as you would an ant or a spider, as they can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes. If getting rid of cockroaches is so hard, what could you possibly do to protect your home from an infestation?

First, you should know how to spot them in your residence. Cockroaches can be found in all sorts of household items and spaces, such as food storage, fabric, and even book-bindings. Wherever they go, though, they are looking for a meal. This means they’ll defecate almost everywhere they step their tiny foot, marking their trail throughout your home (careful, though, as their waste can be easily mistaken for mouse droppings). The pheromones they excrete, to humans, smell quite musty, so take note of any instances of such an odor as well. 

If you’re unsure of whether your home is infested with cockroaches, or you suspect that it is, the next step in protecting your house and family is calling Delta Pest Control. Our licensed experts will treat the entirety of your home, focusing primarily in the areas where they’re most likely to congregate. We will tend to your home on a regular schedule to ensure that these methods are in effect for years to come. Rely on us to get the protection your home needs, serving Silicon Valley and South Santa Clara County areas.
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